Nintendo Switch Dock in Wood

Added holes for the air intakes of Nintendo Switch

Docks for all gadgets!
Alright, this is one of my favorites. I made a dock that can be used for the New Nintendo 3DS and also Nintendo Switch, I may have to tweak it a bit like putting holes for the back of the Nintendo Switch. I just wanted a portable dock which I can carry around, and so it gave birth to this Nintendo Switch dock. I made a few of these and will probably sell them for a while.

Not only is it good looking with finely visible grain of wood, it's also a bit stylish. I really dislike the plastic look of every gaming device and accessory ever. Having a bit of style doesn't hurt.

What do you guys think? Should I make more? Will you get one? Let me know! Also, you guys can follow me on Instagram: veronica_laurel is my ID. I make all sorts of art and wooden things often for my video game hobby.