Using Earbuds As Analog Grip Covers for the PS Vita

I’ve seen people online covering their analog sticks on the Vita with ear bud pieces so I decided to do the same. It’s probably the cheapest way of covering and protecting the sticks because I couldn’t find anyone selling them around here.

It’s a good thing I have a pair lying around that is just cheap headsets that sounded like music comes from a tin can. I love how the color is red and match my slim PS Vita’s color, red and black.

Turn the ear bud inside out and you will see a short tube there. What I did was cut it by approximately 2mm. I then attach it to the analog stick afterwards.

It sort of looks like a nipple. It also feels okay to the touch, much better than without it.
Just repeat the cutting of the tube on the other analog stick and you'll be done in a jiffy.

There, done on both sticks. Some people may not like the feeling but for me it was a good alternative.

I realized I shouldn't be too fancy with my PS Vita because even Sony has neglected it.