New 3DS Face Plates on the Cheap

Fire Emblem Fates Skin on Third Party Face Plate

I recently got my MHX New 3DS bundle from Japan and one of the things I was excited about it was the ability to have interchangeable face plates. Unfortunately, New 3DS face plates don't come cheap, they usually come in prices above $20 and in my country, almost double the price because of importation taxes and nasty sellers taking advantage of its scarcity.

Third Party New 3DS Face Plates and Skins
So when I bought my New 3DS online in Japan, I also bought third party plain colored face plates that come at a fraction of the average price and decided to just get decals or skins on the plate.
So above is a sample of plain black face plate with Fire Emblem Fates skin, the design is not the exact copy of what the original face plate looks like but it is pretty close.

Not bad :) for a skin
The difference between the original was Takumi's location, and
the proximity of Joker and Felicia

The background is also different from the original but all in all it's
a pretty close match. I tried to get a high res photo of all them and this
was the best I could find.

The plates that came with my New 3DS was the MHX plate and it was pretty awesome but I also wanted to give my idea a try so I would probably be using my Fire Emblem Fates plates for now.

The original face plate

I was pretty happy with the results of the decal because I didn't spend a lot of money on it. I saved up a lot and it looks pretty good even with my clear TPU case on.

Below are photos of the plate I bought, in black to match my new 3ds.

One thing I really like about this method is that the designs available are limitless, I can also just paint on the plates if I wanted to. I bought a couple more plates so I would definitely go crazy one of these days and have an awesome one of a kind plate for my New 3DS.